Mgr inż. Katarzyna Sieradzka, Doktorant, pokój: Lab DE/2
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Computer Hope         

Computer Hope

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Lista publikacji:

1. K. Leszczorz, W. Dudzik, J. Nalepa, J. Polanska. "Quantification of differences in brain tumor detection on multimodal MRI using deep neural network." European Congress of Radiology 2020, C-13994, doi: 10.26044/ecr2020/C-13994

2. Zyla J., Leszczorz K., Polanska J. Robustness of Pathway Enrichment Analysis to Transcriptome-Wide Gene Expression Platform. In: Panuccio G., Rocha M., Fdez-Riverola F., Mohamad M., Casado-Vara R. (eds) Practical Applications of Computational Biology & Bioinformatics, 14th International Conference (PACBB 2020). PACBB 2020. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, vol 1240, pp 176-185. Springer, Cham

3. Kinga Leszczorz, Omid Azimzadeh, Soile Tapio, Michael Atkinson, Joanna Polańska: Mathematical modelling and effect size analysis in support of searching for the proteomic signature of radiotherapy toxicity, 2019 IEEE 19th International Conference on Bioinformatics and Bioengineering (BIBE), October 28-30 2019: 244 - 249, Athens, Greece, 978-1-7281-4617-1, doi: 10.1109/BIBE.2019.00051

4. Kinga Leszczorz, Andrzej Polański, Comparison of tools for estimation of cancer sample contamination, PTBI2018, Wrocław, Poland

5. Sieradzka Katarzyna, Leszczorz Kinga, Garbulowski Mateusz and Polański Andrzej. Consensus approach for detection of somatic mutations, 2017. ICMMI 2017 International Conference on Man-Machine Interactions (ICMMI 2017), 03/10/2017-06/10/2017, Kraków, Polska. Man-Machine Interactions 5.

6. K. Sieradzka, K. Leszczorz, A. Polański:
Thyroid cancer clonal structure analysis based on the next generation sequencing data with correction for tumor purity , GSM 2018, Gliwice