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Computer Hope

Nota biograficzna:

Zainteresowania naukowe:

Obsługa sekretariatu Zakładu Analizy Eksploracyjnej Danych

Lista publikacji:

1. Mrukwa G, Drazek G, Pietrowska M, Widlak P, Polanska J: A novel divisive iK-means algorithm with region-driven feature selection as a tool for automated detection of tumour heterogeneity in MALDI IMS experiments. Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 9656, pp. 113-124, 4th International Work-Conference on Bioinformatics and Biomedical Engineering IWBBIO 2016, Granada,Spain, 20-22.04.2016 ISBN 978-3-319-31744-1, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31744-1_11

2. Marczyk M, Drazek G, Pietrowska M, Widlak P, Polanska J, Polanski A: Modeling of Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data and Testing by Permutation for Biomarkers Discovery in Tissues. Procedia Computer Science 2015, 51, p. 693-702. International Conference On Computational Science, ICCS 2015, Reykjavík, Iceland, June 1-3, 2015

3. Pietrowska M, Diehl HC, Mrukwa G, Kalinowska-Herok M, Gawin M, Chekan M, Elm J, Drazek G, Krawczyk A, Lange D, Meyer H, Polanska J, Henkel C, Widlak P (2017): Molecular profiles of thyroid cancer subtypes: classification based on features of tissue revealed by mass spectrometry imaging. 9th International Conference of Contemporary Oncology: Genome based precision immuno- and targeted therapy. Poznan March 22-24, 2017, Onkologia Współczesna, 21(S1):29

4. Mrukwa Grzegorz, Grzegorz Drazek, Monika Pietrowska, Piotr Widlak, Joanna Polanska: Divisive iK-means algorithm as a tool for ROI selection in the search for MALDI-MSI based molecular signature of thyroid cancer. 2nd Congress of Polish Biochemistry, Cell biology, Biotechnology and Bioinformatics Bio2016. 13-16.09.2016, Wrocław. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 2016, 63(S2):72

5. Mrukwa G, Sykacek P, Drążek G, Pietrowska M, Chekan M, Widłak P, Polańska J: Assessing feature transformations for clustering of MALDI-MSI data. OurCon IV, 4th Imaging Mass Spectrometry Conference, 17-21.10.2016, Ustroń

6. Widlak P, Pietrowska M, Diehl HC, Mrukwa G, Kalinowska-Herok M, Gawin M, Chekan M, Elm J, Drazek G, Krawczyk A, Lange D, Meyer HE, Polanska J, Henkel C: Classification of thyroid cancer subtypes based on features of tissue revealed by MALDI-MSI. OurCon IV, 4th Imaging Mass Spectrometry Conference, 17-21.10.2016, Ustroń

7. Polanska J, Mrukwa G, Drazek G, Krawczyk A, Chekan M, Pietrowska M, Widlak P: Gaussian Mixture modelling in MSI-based search for molecularly homogenous regions in cancer tissue. OurCon IV, 4th Imaging Mass Spectrometry Conference, 17-21.10.2016, Ustroń

8. Kalinowska-Herok M, Pietrowska M, Gawin M, Mrukwa G, Chekan M, Drazek G, Wierzgoń J, Polańska J, Widłak P. Molecular heterogeneity of oral squamous cell carcinoma and detection of signatures discriminating normal and cancerous epithelium by imaging mass spectrometry. Gliwickie Spotkania Naukowe 2016, 18-19.11.2016, Gliwice, Polska

9. Multispectral image filtering using the mean shift algorithm

10. Kalinowska-Herok M, Pietrowska M, Gawin M, Chekan M, Wierzgon J, Drazek G, Polanska, J, Polanski A, Widlak P: Molecular characterization of oral squamous cell cancer and adjacent tissues by MALDI-IMS. 33rd Informal Meeting on Mass Spectrometry, 10-13 May 2015, Szczyrk, Poland, p.103

11. Drazek G, Marczyk M, Polanska J: Biomarkers Discovery by Gaussian mixture modeling and permutation tests in Imaging Mass Spectrometry Data. 9th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference CEEPC 2015, 15-18.06.2015 Poznań, p.14

12. Marczyk M, Drazek G: Different approaches to detection and quantification of spectral peaks in mass spectrometry imaging data. 9th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference CEEPC 2015, 15-18.06.2015 Poznań, p.13

13. Mrukwa G, Drazek G, Pietrowska M, Widlak P, Polanska J: Iterative clustering procedure for automated identification of peptide signature of molecularly heterogeneous tissue regions in tumor samples. 8th Symposium of the Polish Bioinformatics Society, 17-19 September 2015, Lublin, Poland

14. Pietrowska M, Kalinowska-Herok M, Gawin M, Chekan M, Wierzgon J, Drazek G, Mrukwa G, Polanska J, Widlak P: Molecular signatures for discrimination of normal epithelium from oral squamous cell carcinoma – study based on unsupervised analysis of imaging mass spectrometry. 3rd Imaging Mass Spectrometry Conference 2015, OurCon III, 27-29.10.2015, Pisa, Italy

15. Mrukwa G., Drazek G., Pietrowska M., Chekan M., Widlak P., Polanska J.: Novel ik-means algorithm comparison with PCA-based approach for determining heterogeneity in MALDI-MSI tumor samples. XIX Gliwice Scientific Meetings, Book of abstracts, p. 116. 20-21.11.2015, Gliwice, Poland

16. Pietrowska M, M Kalinowska-Herok, M Gawin, M Chekan, J Wierzgon, G Drazek, J Polanska, A Polanski, P Widlak: Molecular characterization of oral squamous cell cancer and ad-jacent tissues by MALDI-IMS. OurCon II: Imaging Mass Spectrometry Conference and 1st Congress of the Proteomics Society, 18-21 November Antalya, Turkey

17. Pietrowska M, Kalinowska-Herok M, Gawin M, Wierzgoń J, Chekan M, Drazek G, Półtorak S, Polanska J, Polanski A, Widlak P: Proteomic and lipid patterns of squamous carcinoma. 8th Central and Eastern European Proteomics Conference (CEEPC) and 2nd International Metabolomics Austria (InMetA), 30.06 - 4.07.2014, Wiedeń, Austria

18. Gawin M, Pietrowska M, Diehl HC, Mrukwa G, Kalinowska-Herok M, Chekan M, Elm J, Drążek G, Krawczyk A, Lange D, Polańska J, Henkel C, Widłak P: Obrazowanie molekularne MALDI-MSI w klasyfikacji raków tarczycy. III Zjazd Centrum Onkologii – Instytutu im. Marii Skłodowskiej-Curie. Perspektywy w onkologii molekularnej. 5-6.04.2018 Warszawa

19. Mrukwa G., Drazek G., Pietrowska M., Chekan M., Widlak P., Polanska J.: Iteracyjne zastosowanie deglomeracyjnego algorytmu iK-średnich do grupowania próbek MALDI-MSI pod kątem profilu molekularnego. III Śląskie Spotkania Naukowe, 3-4.06.2016, Dzierżno

20. Drazek G., Mrukwa G., Pietrowska M., Chekan M., Widlak P., Polanska J.: Wykrywanie sygnatury molekularnej raka nabłonka technikami obrazowania spektrometrii mas (MALDI-IMS). Śląskie Spotkania Naukowe, 3-4.06.2015, Dzierżno

21. Widłak P, Pietrowska M, Kalinowska-Herok M, Gawin M, Chekan M, Wierzgoń J, Drążek G, Mrukwa G, Polanska J: Application of MALDI Imaging Mass Spectrometry for molecular characterization of oral squamous cell cancer and adjacent tissues. I Ogólnopolska Konferencja “Biomarkery w chorobach nowotworowych”, 9-10.10.2015, Wrocław

22. Drazek G: Metody wstępnej analizy danych proteomicznych zarejestrowanych dla techniki molekularnego obrazowania tkanek, I Seminarium Polskiego Towarzystwa Proteomicznego, Gliwice 4-5 czerwca 2014

23. G Drazek: Metody wstępnej analizy danych proteomicznych zarejestrowanych dla techniki molekularnego obrazowania tkanek. Śląskie Spotkania Naukowe, Szczyrk 24-26.10.2014

24. Pietrowska Monika; Hanna Diehl; Grzegorz Mrukwa; Magdalena Kalinowska-Herok; Marta Gawin; Mykola Chekan; Julian Elm; Grzegorz Drazek; Anna Krawczyk; Dariusz Lange; Helmut E Meyer; Joanna Polanska; Corinna Henkel; Piotr Widlak: Molecular profiles of thyroid cancer subtypes: classification based on features of tissue revealed by mass spectrometry imaging. BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA ACTA-PROTEINS AND PROTEOMICS, 2017, 1865(7):837-45, DOI: 10.1016/j.bbapap.2016.10.006

25. Widlak P, Mrukwa G, Kalinowska M, Pietrowska M, Chekan M, Wierzgon J, Gawin M, Drazek G, Polanska J: Detection of molecular signatures of oral squamous cell carcinoma and normal epithelium – application of a novel methodology for unsupervised segmentation of imaging mass spectrometry data. Proteomics, 2016, 16(11-12):1613-21, DOI: 10.1002/pmic.201500458

26. Badanie efektywności czasowej języków typu RPG oraz uniwersalnego języka programowania dla dostępu do informacj