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1. Palyvoda O, Mukalov I, Polanska J, Wygoda A, Drobot L, Widel M, Rzeszowska-Wolny J: Radiation-induced DNA damage and its repair in lymphocytes of patients with head and neck cancer and healthy donors. Anticancer Research, 2002; 22(3):1721-5

2. Otto-Buczkowska E. Jarosz-Chobot P. Polanska J: Epidemiologia cukrzycy typu 1 populacji rozwojowej w swiecie i Polsce. Diabetologia Doświadczalna i Kliniczna 2002, 2(6): 437-443

3. Palyvoda O. Polanska J. Wygoda A. Rzeszowska-Wolny J: DNA damage and repair in lymphocytes of normal individuals and cancer patients: studies by the comet assay and micronucleus tests. 32nd Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society, September 2002, Warsaw, Poland

4. Horak S. Polanska J. Widłak P: High levels of bulky DNA adducts in human sperm correlate with impaired fertility, 32nd Annual Meeting of European Environmental Mutagen Society, September 2002, Warsaw, Poland

5. Polanski A. Polanska J. Jarosz-Chobot P: Application of the method of moments for evaluation of maternal risk in type 1 diabetes. Conference on Mathematical Modelling of Population Dynamics. Będlewo, Poland. June 24-28, 2002

6. Polanska J. Trikka D. Bonnen P. Nelson DL. Kimmel M: Estimation of frequencies of cancer-related SNP-haplotypes by using the EM algorithm, Workshop: Cancer Growth and Progression. Mathematical Problems and Computer Simulations. Będlewo, czerwiec 2002

7. Polanska J. Trikka D. Bonnen P. Nelson DL. Kimmel M: Sensitivity of EM algorithm for estimation of haplotype frequencies to initial condition perturbation. Molecular Genomics 2002. Galveston, USA April 5-7, 2002

8. Palyvoda O. Polanska J. Wygoda A. Rzeszowska-Wolny J: Faster DNA repair in lymphocytes irradiated in vitro correlates with a later maximal acute reaction during radiotherapy. International 6th Wolfsberg Meeting 2002, June 8-10, 2002, Ermatingen, Switzerland

9. Siekiera U. Jarosz-Chobot P. Janusz J. Polanska J. Koehler B: Polymorphism-308A/G TNF alfa-1082A/G-819C/T-592 A/C IL10, 174G/CIL8 and 874 A/T INFgamma in the children group with diabetes type 1. Endokrynologia, diabetologia i choroby przemiany materii wieku rozwojowego. 2002, 8(S1): 27 [15]. 8 Konferencja Sekcji Pediatrycznej Polskiego Towarzystwa Diabetologicznego - Cukrzyca typu 1, Cedzyna k/Kielc 12-14.04.2002